
Understanding What Divorce Mediation Is and What It Can Do for You

Divorce is a difficult and complicated process, no matter how you approach it. In your journey to a new, single life, divorce mediation can be an invaluable asset. It can help make the transition go and minimize conflict.

This article is here to walk you through what divorce mediation is, when it’s applicable, and how it can work for you.

What Divorce Mediation Entails

Divorce mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution. It is focused on cooperation, communication, and negotiation. The goal is to make your divorce less stressful, less expensive, and less risky than a courtroom trial.

During divorce mediation, a mediator facilitates communication between the spouses. They help the couple identify issues that need resolution, and they help guide the spouses toward an agreement both parties can accept. Even if negotiations grow tense, mediators are trained to help cool tempers and keep the conversation moving.

Mediation can cover any divorce-related issue, including child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, and more.

Benefits of Using a Divorce Mediator

  • This process is often much quicker than a lengthy court battle.
  • Mediation can be far less expensive than hiring separate attorneys.
  • Couples agree to all decisions together, as there is no court forcing a decision on you.
  • It can help you reach an amicable agreement regarding all necessary divorce agreements.
  • Mediation often allows you to part on better terms. This is especially beneficial for co-parenting.
  • It provides a forum for open communication between both parties, fostering a respectful and collaborative environment.
  • Mediation is more confidential. Anything you say in court stays on the public record. Anything you say in mediation stays between the people in the room.

The Process of Divorce Mediation

Essentially, the couple meets with the mediator to hash out the details of their divorce. There may be a period where the spouses are asked to collect and submit documents beforehand, giving the mediator time to understand the facts of the marriage.

Depending on your circumstances, mediation can wrap up all your issues in one meeting, lasting between three to five hours. In more complex divorces, more meetings will be required.

How to Choose the Right Divorce Mediator

  1. Make sure that your mediator is experienced and knowledgeable in family law.
  2. Consider their communication style, as you'll be spending plenty of time working closely with them.
  3. Look for a mediator who actively listens to your concerns and can communicate clearly and concisely.
  4. Consider their availability and accessibility, as this can impact your case’s progress.
  5. Pay attention to how comfortable you feel working with the mediator.
  6. Make sure your spouse is just as comfortable with the mediator and their communication style.

Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Divorce Mediation

  1. Take time to think about your priorities and what you hope to achieve during the mediation.
  2. Be open to compromise, and pay attention to your spouse's perspective.
  3. Be honest and direct in your communication without being confrontational.
  4. Be patient and respectful of the mediation process, as it can take time to reach an agreement that suits both parties.
  5. Make sure to consult with an experienced attorney throughout the mediation process to protect your legal rights and ensure a fair agreement.

Nelson, Taylor & Associates, PLLC is ready to step in and help with your divorce mediation. To see if our team is right for you, contact us online or call our office at (801) 901-7046.
