car crash

What to Do After Being Injured in a Car Accident

According to recent data from the Utah Department of Public Safety, over 54,000 car crashes happen in Utah annually, with most taking place in Salt Lake City, UT, and neighboring counties. While some car accidents cause minimal damage, it is also common for the individuals involved in the crash to sustain severe injuries that require expensive medical care and treatment. Most insurance providers try to offer minimal settlements that do not fully cover your medical needs. Remember to take the following steps after being hurt in a car accident to get the best possible compensation available.

4 Steps to Take After Being Hurt in an Automobile Collison

It is important to take these steps to ensure you receive medical attention and accurately document evidence to protect yourself in the future when pursuing a personal injury claim.

Seek immediate medical attention

Check your body for any injuries and notify a medical professional as soon as possible. A doctor can determine the severity of your injuries. You may also want to take pictures of your injuries to measure just how severe they are as injuries sometimes take some time to surface. You adrenaline will be high right after being in an accident, so you might not feel like you are injured, which might not be true. The only want to know is to have a doctor examine you.

Collect evidence at the scene of the accident

To be able to get compensation for your injuries, you will need to prove who was at fault and that you were injured during the accident. This means you will need to document everything, including pictures at the scene of the accident (vehicles involved, people involved, and any conditions that could have contributed to the crash), proof of your injuries, doctor’s notes, and more.

Keep in mind that the photographs you show should also detail how the crash affected your life after the event.

File a detailed police report

It is important that you do this as soon as possible to remember to record the events of the accident while they are still fresh in your mind.

A police report is also proof and can be used when you file a personal injury claim.

Consult with an experienced attorney

If you require assistance with filing a personal injury claim, a lawyer can offer you help, advice, and support. He/she can also help you collect the necessary documents you need to file your claim and assist you with the process, so you avoid making mistakes and can get the compensation you want.

If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact us online or by calling (801) 901-7046 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your legal options.
